Monday, August 1, 2011

A day in the Ghetto


At morning devotions there were confessions of trepidation regarding our going into the ghetto today.  Uncertainty of what would be required of us.  Would the language barrier be an issue? Would our own fears and self-consciousness keep us from stepping out of our own comfort zones?  Would we be safe in the ghetto?

2 Timothy 1:6-7 “For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of hands, for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.” 

Claiming this passage we set forth and the flame of God was fanned, both in our hearts and those that we encountered.  We split into teams to minister both to both physical needs as well as spiritual ones.  The first team lead by Ashley took donated items to minister to families/individuals in the La Limonada community through the hearing of testimonies, the laying on of hands, and praying over their lives.  This team was accompanied by two prayer warriors from the local church.  We met teenage mothers whose husbands were imprisoned gang leaders; glue sniffing drug addicts who know they need to quit, but can’t; and various others we met just walking through alleyways.  We would listen to their stories, ask questions, distribute donations, and then pray over them.  (While here we have been introduced to a new prayer style which we are terming “Waterfall Prayer” where everyone prays aloud at the same time.) 

A highlight of this time was when we were taken into the G-HOP (Ghetto House of Prayer) where the there are three amazing prayer warriors who daily stand in the gap for the lives of their community.  God is using them in mighty and powerful ways to meet needs.  Their intercessory prayers have resulted in countless miracles, prophesies spoken, and lives changed for the glory of God.  Before we concluded our time with them, they prayed over each one of us individually, almost all received a word of prophesy over them, things only the Holy Spirit could have given them.  It was very humbling and powerful at the same time.

               Meanwhile, the other team worked on stuccoing a house.  This project allowed for team-building between our own members.  It also served as a visual/tangible demonstration of God’s love for His people in action, through providing for a physical need that this family could not meet on their own.

             At noon, the teams met together for lunch at the soccer (futbol) field where the Hope Renewed sponsored team was scrimmaging against another ghetto team.   Our team won the match 4-1.  The highlight of the game, from our perspective, was when the coach asked if one our group would like to play.  Corrie readily jumped at the opportunity to play with the team and another player traded shoes with her so she would be better able to play.

               Following this break, the teams traded activities.  Throughout the day we truly felt the power of the Holy Spirit’s presence, keeping us safe, and giving us words and opportunities to minister to his beloved.  With this as the start of our time here we are anxious to see how much more our Lord has in store for us.
Written by Robyn and Verald Stevens


  1. Thanks for the updates! God is GREAT! Thanks for including us in what the Lord is doing through the team! We are anticipating hearing about your next adventures!

  2. WOW!! Love being able to read the updates that are posted can't wait for another one. God is using all of you in such a great way. You are all in my thoughts and prayers constantly every day. Can't wait to read more. Praise God From Whom All Blessing Flow!!

  3. For greater things have yet to come, and greater things are still to be done in this city!
